The Left

Leftists are unhealthy, it's no coincidence.

Defining "Leftism"

The political term left arose during the French Revolution, and is characterized by liberty, equality, and fraternity. This manifests in ideologies like egalitarianism, feminism, socialism. The rejection of hierachy is what defines leftism.


Taller and more attractive people are more likely to identify as right wing [1][2]. In America, Australia, and Europe, Right-Wing politicians are more likely to be physically attractive than their Left-Wing counterparts [3].

Men who are physically stronger are more likely to oppose wealth redistribution and other forms of sociopolitical egalitarianism, even if they are poor themselves [4], and opposition to egalitarianism grows as men spend more time in the gym [5].


If we look to the Handbook of Crime Correlates, they consistently find that Liberal/Tolerant Attitudes are associated with criminal behavior:

One may object to this as just really being race in disguise, but even when you control for demographic factors, this relationship is still true [6].

Something tangentially related is religion and homosexuality, leftists are obviously less religious and more likely to identify as nonheterosexual. Nonheterosexuality is associated with negative physical and mental traits, and religion is associated with human flourishing.

Leftists hold a near monopoly on mental disorders, this is true even after controlling for educational attainment, age, income, and sex [7][8]:

One may rebuff with the fact that conservatives have more of a stigma against mental health so they are less likely to go get a diagnosis, however we can just look at symptom scale studies.

Using data from The British Household Panel Survey which interviews 40,000 households, people vulnerable to depression are less likely to identify with mainstream conservative parties, to vote for them, or to place themselves on the right side of the political spectrum [9].

Democrats were more likely to experience COVID-induced mental distress than Republicans, and higher risk perception and expected infection severity were associated with mental distress [10].

Republicans also report much better mental health, even after controlling for several variables [11]:

Support for wealth redistribution is best predicted by the psychological traits of “communal fairness”, malicious envy, spite, being self-interested, and willingness to inflict “instrumental harm” (hurting innocent people for “the greater good”) [13], and victimhood signaling is associated with personality traits such as narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism [14].

Moral Foundations

Jonathan Haidt proposes that peoples moral reasoning comes from 5 moral foundations:

Leftists only highly favor Harm and Fairness while Right wingers favor all five foundations about equally [14]:

Leftists claim to care more about “all natural things in the universe including inert entities, such as rocks” than they do about their own family and friends [15]:



Damon Young, who has written things like "An Open Letter to the (White) Men in Airport Restrooms Who Refuse to Wash Their Hands" and "Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People" [16][17] is a columnist at the Washington Post asking important questions like "Someone gave our daughter a White doll. How do we, um, ‘disappear’ it?"[18]. Slate writer, Jamilah Lemieux also asks the same thing [18].

Sarah Jeong, an editor at The New York Times is saying things like “White men are bullshit”, using the hashtag “CancelWhitePeople”, and complains about “Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants” [19]. One of her colleagues has also asked the very important question of “Can my Children be Friends with White people?" to which she answers in the negative [20].

And other serious things like the fact that white people care too much about the environment [21], and of course too many historians are white, AP classes are way too white, AI art is too white, British soccer teams are too white

Now if you're white and feel offended by these things, don't. Chris Mohney at NBC reminds us:

White people getting mad — or publicly performing anger, at least — about white people jokes is actually white people getting mad about threats to white power

Dahleen Glanton at The College Tribune says "American racism is a uniquely white trait" If you feel at all that were trated unfairly because you're white, Ruben Navarrette Jr. at USA Today says:

America’s newest class of victims — i.e., white men — is on the warpath again. They complain that they can’t get into college because of affirmative action, can’t get a job because of diversity hiring, and can’t keep a job because of factories closing due to unfair trade deals. Now we can add to the “whine list” the fact that many white men feel they can no longer get ahead or get an advantage because of identity politics

Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond at The New York Times has noted this in an advice column responding to a woman whose sense of White guilt caused them to have a mental breakdown. As they explain, White suffering is ultimately unimportant:

You have to relinquish your privilege. And part of learning how to do that is accepting that feelings of shame, anger and the sense that people are perceiving you in ways that you believe aren’t accurate or fair are part of the process that you and I and all white people must endure in order to dismantle a toxic system that has perpetuated white supremacy for centuries. That, in fact, those painful and uncomfortable feelings are not the problems to be solved or the wounds to be tended to. Racism is

Jarrett Hill at NBC has also acknowledged the psychological toll of their ideology telling White people that:

You’re going to have to take a side. And yes, you have to do it now. It’s very likely, and understandable if you feel this is unfair, this is inconvenient, it’s frustrating, it’s dif icult, it’s embarrassing, it’s going to alienate you from people you know, love, work with, watch the game with. That’s privilege. Someone once said, “when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.” This is a taste of equality.

Sheree Atcheson at Forbes too has said that White people need to stop caring so much about their own suffering saying "if you are not Black, your pain and hurt is not the priority right now. This may be an anomaly for you – it is not an anomaly for Black folks who live this life, everyday"

There's also evidence of anti-White bias in reporting, unarmed Black police-shooting victims generated nine times the number of news search results as white victims. What is more, roughly 32% of white victims generated zero search results as compared to just 12% of Black victims:

In the media and among political commentators, it’s commonly argued that black Americans need to be warry of white supremacist murderers or just white Americans in general, despite the fact that a black person is more likely to harm a white person than a white person harm a black person.